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Current medications

Prozac: 15mg

Lamotrigine: 200mg

Olanzapine: 5mg

Levothyroxine: 350mcg

RTMS: 5 Weeks

Having spent the weekend at home in Sussex, my mum and I traveled up to London together to stay at a hotel. I was feeling particularly unstable so I didn’t want to travel up alone.

I’m pleased to report that towards the end of this week, I have had some better days.

I have been to the gym a couple of times with my friend George, I’ve also been to the pub to watch the England game with a few of my friends and even went back to one of my friends houses for an after party to celebrate the win.

During the time spent with my friends I was able to be present and just enjoy socialising.

I did bring up what I have been going through to some of them and they gave me some encouraging words.

I also had a call from Dr Robert Robins this morning, he is the cardiologist who is monitoring my heart as I increase the Levothyroxine. He reported that the heart rate monitor I have been wearing for the last 2 weeks showed that I had an average heart rate of 82, which is a little bit high but nothing to panic about.

He also informed me that the ultrasound on my heart had shown no defects and that my heart health was very good.

There are 2 reasons that I need to be monitored by a cardiologist, 1. Because Levothyroxine can increase your heart rate at high doses and 2. The leading cause of death for people with Sub-threshold Bipolar is heart attacks, followed by strokes and unfortunately suicide.

I have continued to receive RTMS treatment twice everyday, the nurses are very friendly and I usually chat with them, but this week I have been watching films on my phone during the treatment as this helps the time to pass quicker.

I will be meeting with Dr Zamar tomorrow to discuss my progress and increase my Levothyroxine dose.

I’ll write another update soon.



Genetics & treatment


Weekend at Home