I am worried

Current medications

Prozac: 15mg

Lamotrigine: 400mg

Olanzapine: 5mg

Levothyroxine: 500mcg

Xanax - 0.5mg

RTMS: 8 Weeks

My treatment plan was supposed to last 8 weeks. Time is up, and I’m still only marginally better. My mum is running out of money to fund my treatment.

We informed Dr Zamar that we couldn’t keep up with the fees and he offered for us to see one of his other psychiatrists who is much more affordable.

This will be whilst I am tapering off the Prozac as I can’t increase the Levothyroxine until then.

I honestly don’t believe this treatment is going to work for me, my brain is so foggy and I know that it has been damaged by this illness.

Dr Zamar is convinced that Covid 19 triggered my illness and that we need to treat that as well.

His suggestion is to have ECP treatment. This involves lying on a bed with cuffs around my legs and hips, these contract tightly repeatedly in time with my heart beat, pushing more rich oxygenated blood around my body.

A website states: ‘EECP may play a role in managing post-COVID-19 symptoms. In an analysis of over 1500 cardiac patients from Flow Therapy’s specialized EECP centers, fatigue was reduced by 36% (PROMIS Fatigue Score) and breathing difficulties by 50% (ROSE Dyspnea Score). Other benefits in functional capacity have also been demonstrated after a full course of EECP.’

The cardiologist who has been treating me offers this treatment, but as you may have guessed, it’s also expensive as hell.

I’ve also been told that it is very intense treatment, an hour every day for 50 sessions. Apparently it feels like you have done an hour of intense exercise afterwards.

I have been told that this will push more blood to my brain which should improve the long covid symptoms such as fatigue and brain fog. I also hope that it will help with my headaches.

I have told my mum that I definitely want to go ahead with this treatment, as I am getting desperate now.





Genetics & treatment